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Albright, Ann Cooper. Modern Gestures: Abraham Walkowitz Draws Isadora Duncan Dancing. Wesleyan University Press, 2010. ISBN 081957077X
Aveline, Claude and Michel Dufet. Bourdelle and the Dance: Isadora and Nijinsky. Paris: Arted, Editions d'Art, 1969.
Berge, Yvonee. Body Alive! :Towards an Education in Movement, St Martin’s Press, NY, 1977, ISBN 0-312-08723-3.
Blair, Fredrika. Isadora: Portrait of the Artist as a Woman. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1986. ISBN 0-07-005598-X.
Chambers, Colin. Here we stand. Politics, performers and performance. Paul Robeson, Charlie Chaplin, Isadora Duncan Nick Hern Books, ISBN-13: 978-1854599209, 2007.
Daly, Ann. Done into Dance: Isadora Duncan in America. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995. BK ISBN 0-253-20989-7
Davies, Jessie: Isadora Duncan's Russian husband. Chippenham, England, Anthony Rowe, 1991, 284 p.
De Fina, Pamela. Maria Theresa: Divine Being, Guided by a Higher Order. Pittsburgh: Dorrance, 2003. ISBN 0-8059-4960-7
Desti, Mary. The Untold Story: The Life of Isadora Duncan 1921-1927. New York: Horace Liveright, 1929; reprint, with a new Preface by Dale Harris, New York: Da Capo Press, 1981.
Desti, Mary: Isadora Duncan's end. V. Gollancz, London 1929.
Dikovskaya, Lily. In Isadora's Steps: The story of Isadora Duncan's school in Moscow, told by her favourite pupil. Brighton, Great Britain: The Book Guild Ltd., 2008. ISBN 978-1-84624-186-4
Dillon, Millicent. After Egypt: Isadora Duncan & Mary Cassatt. ISBN 0-525-24846-3
Duncan, Anna. Anna Duncan: In the Footsteps of Isadora. Stockholm: Dansmuseet, 2010. ISBN 978-91-979227-0-8
Duncan, Anna. Anna Duncan: In the footsteps of Isadora. Stockholm: Dansmuseet, 1995. ISBN 91-630-3782-3
Duncan, Dorée; Carol Pratl and Cynthia Splatt (eds.) Life Into Art. Isadora Duncan and Her World. Foreword by Agnes de Mille. Text by Cynthia Splatt. W. W. Norton & Company, 1993. ISBN 0-393-03507-7
Duncan, Irma. Duncan Dancer: An Autobiography. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1966, 1980.
Duncan, Irma. The Technique of Isadora Duncan. Illustrated. Photographs by Hans V. Briesex. Posed by Isadora, Irma and the Duncan pupils. New York: Kamin Publishers, 1937; reprint Brooklyn, NY: Dance Horizons, c. 1970; Austria: Karl Piller, 1937. ISBN 0-87127-028-5
Duncan, Irma; Macdougall, Allan Ross. Isadora Duncan's Russian Days and Her Last Years in France. New York: Covici-Friede, 1929; Victor Gollanz Ltd, 1929.
Ginner, Ruby. The Revived Greek Dance. Its Art and Technique. Second Edition, Methuen & Co., London, 1936.
Harris, Virginia Ann: Isadora Duncan: The body of a dancer, a short Kindle book.
Isadora, Rachel: Isadora dances, Viking Juvenile, 1988.
Johnson Macy, Dicki. Silenced by the Weight of the Matriarchal Crown: A Baby Boomer Speaks about Becoming Anorexic. Brill, 2024. ISBN 978-90-04-71104-4.
Jones, Sabrina. Isadora Duncan: a graphic biography. Foreword by Lori Belilove. Hill and Wang, 2008. ISBN 0-8090-9497-5
Kanellos, Vassos. Ancient Greek Orchesis and Isadora Duncan, Athens, 1966 (in English and Greek).
Keating, Susan: Isadora Duncan. Great Names Library.
Kozodoy, Ruth. Isadora Duncan. American Women of Achievement. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1988.
Kurth, Peter. Isadora: A Sensational Life. Little Brown, 2001. ISBN 0-316-50726-1
Levien, Julia. Duncan Dance: A Guide for Young People Ages Six to Sixteen. Illustrated. Pennington, NJ: Princeton Book Company Publishers, 1994; Dance Horizons, 1994. ISBN 0-87127-198-2
Levien, Julia. Images Drawn from the Dances of Isadora Duncan, NY 1997.
Loewenthal, Lillian. The Search for Isadora: The legend & legacy of Isadora Duncan. Dance Horizons, 1993.
Macdougall, Allan Ross. Isadora: A revolutionary in art and love. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1960.
Magriel, Paul (ed.) Nijinsky, Pavlova, Duncan: Three Lives in Dance. New York: Da Capo Press, 1947.
McVay, Gordon. Isadora & Esenin. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1980.
Nahumck, Nadia Chilkovsky. Isadora Duncan: The Dances. Washington DC: The National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1994.
O'Connor, Barbara: Barefoot dancer. The story of Isadora Duncan. Trailblazer Biographies.
Peter, Frank-Manuel (ed.) Isadora & Elizabeth Duncan in Germany. Cologne: Wienand Verlag, 2000. ISBN 3-87909-645-7
Rather, Lois. Lovely Isadora. Oakland, CA: Rather Press, 1976.
Roseman, Janet Lynn. Dance was her religion: The spiritual choreography of Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis and Martha Graham. Hohm Press, 2004. ISBN 189077238-0
Sandomir, Larry. Isadora Duncan: revolutionary dancer. Austin: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1955. American Troublemakers series.
Savinio, Alberto: Isadora Duncan, with a critical study on Art Deco sculptures by Umberto Di Cristina. Parma, Italy, Franco Maria Ricci, 1979, 187 p.
Schneider, Ilya Ilyich. Isadora Duncan: The Russian Years. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc, 1969; London: Macdonald, 1968.
Schneider, Ilya Ilyich: Isadora Duncan, the Russian years. Translated by D. Magarshack. New York, Da Capo Press, 1968, 221 p.
Seroff, Victor. The Real Isadora. New York: Dial Press, 1971.
Sobey, Jeanette: Isadoralola. Dancing threads, weaving lives.
Splatt, Cynthia. Isadora Duncan & Gordon Craig: The Prose & Poetry of Action. San Francisco: Book Club of California, 1988.
Steegmuller, Francis (ed.) Your Isadora: The love story of Isadora Duncan and Gordon Craig told through letters and diaries never before published. Random House & The New York Public Library, 1974.
Stokes, Sewell. Isadora: An intimate portrait. New York, London: Brentanno's, 1928.
Terry, Walter. Isadora Duncan: Her life, her art, her legacy. Dodd, Mead & Company, Inc., 1963. ISBN 0-396-08436-2
Terry, Walter: The legacy of Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis. Brooklyn, New York, 1960.
Tierney, Tom: Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham and other stars of the Modern Dance. New York 1983
Wanshel, Jeff: Isadora Duncan sleeps with the Russian Navy. Dramatists Play Service, 1998, 72 p.
Weiss, David: The spirit and the flesh. A novel inspired by the life of Isadora Duncan. Garden City (New York) 1959
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Wood, Ean. Headlong Through Life: The Story of Isadora Duncan. Book Guild Publishing, 2006. ISBN 1-84624-003-4
Yessenin, Sergei: Isidora Duncan. Beograd, 1979, 315 p.
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Jörgonson, Owe: Duncan contra Bournonville. Kopenhagen 1906
Allard, Odette: Isadora: La danseuse aux pieds nus ou la révolution Isadorienne. Paris 1997
Bourdelle, Emile Antoine: Bourdelle et la danse: Isadora et Nijinsky. Paris 1969
Bruyant, Anne-Marie. La danse libre: sur les traces d'Isadora Duncan et Francois Malkovski, Toulouse: C. Rolland, 2012.
Couderc, Frédéric: La dernière danse d'Isadora. Paris, Editions Anne Carrière, 2005, 322 p.
De Pontchara, Natacha: Isadora Duncan. D’Isarora. Paris, Marval, 1998, 94 p.
Destrée, Claire: Rythme et plastique dans les danses de Isadora Duncan, étude des textes et des documents iconongraphiques, tome I. Louvain la Neuve, Université Catholiqie de Louvain, 1987.
Hubel, Alice: Isadora Duncan. Paris, Park Avenue, 1994, 239 p.
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Pontcharra, Natacha de: Isadora Duncan. Paris 1998
Stern, Carola: Isadora Duncan und Sergej Jessenin. Der Dichter und die Tänzerin. Berlin, 1996.
Van Dyk, Katharina. Bibliographie Isadora Duncan, 2015.
de Segonzac, André Dunoyer. Dessins sur les Danses d'Isadora Duncan. Précédé de La Danseuse de Diane. Glose de Fernand Divoire. Paris: La Belle Edition, 1910.
Cossart, Axel von: Liebe der Tanzkunst. Köln 1986
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Lennartz, Ernst: Duncan, She, Desmond. Beiträge zur Beurteilung und Geschichte der Nacktkultur. Köln 1908
Lever, Maurice: Primavera: Tanz und Leben der Isadora Duncan. München 1988
Meinzenbach, Sandra: Neue alte Weiblichkeit. Frauenbilder und Kunstkonzepte im freien Tanz. Loïe Fuller, Isadora Duncan und Ruth St. Denis zwischen 1891 und 1934. Tectum, 2010, 400 p.
Niehaus, Max: Isadora Duncan. Triumph und Tragik einer legendären Tänzerin. Heyne Verlag, 1993.
Niehaus, Max: Isadora Duncan: Leben, Werk, Wirkung. Wilhelmshaven 1981
Peter, Frank-Manuel: Isadora & Elizabeth Duncan in Germany / in Deutschland. Köln 2000
Schmidt, Jochen: "Ich sehe Amerika tanzen". Isadora Duncan. München 2000
Schmidt, Jochen: Ich sehe Amerika tanzen. Isadora Duncan. München, 2000.
Schule der bewegten Körper. Isadora & Elizabeth Duncan und Erika Giovanna Klien in Salzburg. Salzburg 2001
Stern, Carola: Isadora Duncan und Sergej Jessenin: Der Dichter und die Tänzerin. Berlin 1996
Stüdemann, Natalia: Dionysos in Sparta: Isadora Duncan in Russland. Eine Geschichte von Tanz und Körper. 2008, 164 p.
Gorpas, Thomas: Isidora! Isidora! The tragic love of Duncan with poet Yessenin (in Greek). Athens, Gavriilidis, 1995, 158 p.
Rafkis, Alkis. Isadora Duncan Album. Greek Dances Theater "Dora Stratos", 2004. ISBN 9607118901
Dr. Gedeon Dienes. Art of Movement History, Vol. II, eds. Dr. Gideon Dienes, Millenium Mark, 2001.
Kaan, Zsuzsa (ed.): Isadora Duncan. Budapest, Tancmüvészet Danceart magazinespecial issue volume 33, 2002, 32 p.
Mozdulatmuveszeti Sorozat: Remembering - Isadora Duncan - Emlekkonyv. Budapest, Orkesztika Alapitvany, 2002, 128 p. ISSN 1586-4537
Böhmig, Michaela. La danza libera nel paese del balletto. Isadora Duncan in Russia (1903-1918), Universitalia, 530 pp. with illustrations, 2016.
Carizzoni, Pier Giorgio & Arianna Ghilardotti (eds.): Isadora Duncan, Pina Bausch. Danza dell'anima, liberazione del corpo. Milano, 2006.
Colloredo, Sabina. Isadora Duncan. Edizioni EL, 2006. Illustrations by A. and E. Balbusso, for ages 9-12. ISBN: 978-8847718715.
Ferrari, Curzia. La "divina" Isadora Duncan, SugarCo, Milan, Italy, 1983.
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Savinio, Alberto. Isadora Duncan, in Narrate, uomini, la vostra storia. Bompiani,1942, Adelphi, 1984.
Savinio, Alberto: Isadora Duncan. Parma/Paris 1979
Blair, Fredrika. Isadora: Portrait of the Artist As A Woman. Supervised by Mary Sano. Translated by Mariko Suzuki. Tokyo: Parco Publishing, 1990. 踊るヴィーナス イサドラ・ダンカンの生涯 フレドリカ・ブレア【著】 メアリー佐野【監】 鈴木万理子【訳】 [PARCO出版局 1990]
Duncan, Irma. The Technique of Isadora Duncan. Supervised by Mary Sano. Translated by Naoko Matsuhiro and Naoko Saikoji. Tokyo: Isadora Duncan Heritage Society Japan, 2009. イサドラ・ダンカンの舞踊テクニック イルマ・ダンカン【著】メアリー佐野【監】 松代尚子、西光寺直子【訳】[イサドラ・ダンカン・ヘリテッジ・ソサエティ・ジャパン(IDHSJ)2009]
Duncan, Irma and Macdougall, Allan Ross. Isadora Duncan’s Russian Days and Her Last Years in France. Translated by Shigeo Ogura and Chizuko Abe. Tokyo: Fuzambo, 1980 続・わが生涯 イサドラ・ダンカン イルマ・ダンカン/アラン・ロス・マクドゥ-ガル【著】 小倉重夫/阿部千津子【訳】 [富山房 1980]
Ferrari, Curzia. La ‘divina’ Isadora Duncan. Translated by Sachiko Kosemura. Tokyo: Ongakunotomo, 1988. 美の女神イサドラ・ダンカン クルツィア・フェラーリ【著】 小瀬村 幸子【訳】 [音楽之友社 1988]
Steegmuller, Francis. Your Isadora: The love story of Isadora Duncan & Gordon Craig. Translated by Chizuko Abe. Tokyo: Fuzambo 1980. あなたのイサドラ イサドラ・ダンカン ゴ-ドン・クレ-グ 愛の手紙 F.スティグミューラー【著】 阿部 千津子【訳】 [富山房 1980]
Kasatkina, T.S. Ajsedora: Gastroli v Rossii. Moskva 1992
Malostvov, N. G.: Aisedora Dunkan. St. Petersburg 1908
Schneider, Il´ja Il´itsch: Isadora Duncan, the Russian Years. London 1968
Yessenin, Sergei: Isidora Duncan. Beograd, 1979, 315 p.
Aguilera, Emiliano M. Pasion y tragedia de Isadora Duncan. Barcelona 1947
Aguilera, Emiliano M.: Isadora Duncan. Barcelona, Circulo de Lectores, 1946, 246 p.
Desti, Mary: El final de Isadora Duncan. Buenos Aires 1945
Lever, Maurice. Isadora. ISBN 84-7765-106-X
Rodriguez, Berta: Isadora Duncan. Mujeres en la historia. Edimat Libros, 2007, 192 p.
Rodríguez, Armonía: "Mi" Isadora Duncan. Barcelona 1977
Bomann, Birgit. Isadora Duncan: Och den sevensks barndansen. Stockholm 1986
Duncan, Anna. Anna Duncan: In the footsteps of Isadora. Stockholm, Dance Museet, 2010 ISBN 91-979227-0-8
Lever, Maurice: Isadora Duncan. Dansin tanriçasi. Istanbul, Everest Yayinlari, 2002, 460 p.