Gluck — Iphigenie en Tauride, Choeur des Pretresses (Priestess)

Reconstructed by Julia Levien.


Barbara Kane

Iphigenia and the Chorus of Priestess’ reluctantly prepare for the sacrifice of two Greek intruders on Tauride – land of supposed Barbarians - where Iphigenia has been head Priestess for the 20 years since she was whisked away from being sacrificed at Aulide. A dance of weight and slowness with each movement depicting the memory of loss, of hope, of obedience, of resistance to imposed duty.

Nadia Chilkovsky Nahumck

Reference: Nahumck, Nadia Chilkovsky. Isadora Duncan: The Dances. Washington DC: The National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1994.

A brooding Iphigenia—exiled to live among the Taurians as a priestess to Artemis—performs a ritual approach to the Altar of the Dead, dreading the impending death of her brother. In the version of the story dramatized by Euripides, after being rescued from sacrifice herself by Artemis, Iphigenia becomes a member of an ancient cult which practiced male sacrifice.


Title Date Dancers Full Dance? Notes
Dances by Isadora: Priestess 2010 Yes
Hortense Kooluris Memorial 2007-10-01 Adrienne Ramm Yes
Isadora Duncan Dance Group: Priestess 2003 Barbara Kane, Annette Mouret, Francoise Rageau, Annette Spector, Christine Grant Yes Staging by Barbara Kane
Isadora Duncan's 110th Birthday Celebration 1987 Adrienne Ramm Yes
DFI Cunningham 1980 Yes

Related items in the Archives

The San Francisco Museum of Performance and Design > Programs > Isadora Duncan — Nov 25, 1917

The Collection of Christy Cornell-Pape > Programs > Dances and Choruses from Iphigenie in Aulide — Isadora Duncan — Jul 06, 1908

The Collection of Christy Cornell-Pape > Programs > A Revival of the Greek Art of Two Thousand Years Ago — Isadora Duncan and Walter Damrosch — Nov 08, 1908

The Collection of Barbara Kane > Programs > Linda Elkin — Isadora Duncan Dancers — Nov 05, 1987

The Collection of Barbara Kane > Programs > Isadora Duncan Dance Group — 1989

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